Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Food Energy Enhancer

If you feel tired, lethargic and less vibrant try eating some of the following foods ............

One of the positive side of the chocolate to the body, is to increase the energy, but not just any chocolate. Choose cocoa content chocolate is high, about 70% or more, because chocolate is rich in magnesium and iron mineral-two, which is useful eliminates fatigue. -

 super food is very high iron content required for the release of energy. Sardines also contain a lot of omega-3 fats that are vital for brain development and is proven to eliminate the mood and eliminate fatigue. -

wheat bread contains a lot slower energy release. Of course it's useful to keep our energy levels throughout the day, as well as avoid the sleepiness in the afternoon.

CEREAL Those who ate a bowl of high fiber cereal every day terbuktiakan its own mood and energy levels are better.

BANANA Containing the highest carbohydrate compared to other fruits. Therefore, bananas can function effectively as supplying your energy when you are tired. -

SESAME in sesame contained magnesium, which is essential for the release of energy in every cell in the body. Unfortunately, most women're always magnesium deficiency in the body. Hopefully the above tips useful.

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